飞言情 - 言情小说 - Rain Addict在线阅读 - 12 :Wind Continues to Blow

12 :Wind Continues to Blow

    The cool, crisp air of the Nordic autumn filled Sukie,s lungs as she stepped out of her luxurious new home. Her decision to move to the picturesque Scandinavian country had been impulsive, driven by her newfound wealth from the meteoric rise of Bitcoin. She had hoped to escape the chaotic memories of her past, both in the modern world and the surreal experiences in the ancient one. But little did she know that her new life was about to become even more complicated.

    The first few weeks in her new environment were a whirlwind of cultural confusion. Despite her attempts to assimilate, Sukie found herself constantly bewildered by the stark differences in customs and language.

    One afternoon, Sukie decided to visit a local café. She had heard that the Nordic pastries were to die for and was eager to indulge. As she entered the quaint little shop, the warm aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped her, bringing a smile to her face.

    "Hi! Can I get a cinnamon bun and a cup of coffee, please?" she asked the barista, her English tinged with an accent that was foreign to the locals.

    The barista, a young man with blond hair and a friendly demeanor, looked at her with mild confusion. "Sorry, could you repeat that?"

    Sukie took a deep breath, realizing that her accent might be causing some misunderstanding. "A cinnamon bun and a coffee, please."

    "Ah, kanelbulle och kaffe. Sure, coming right up!" he responded with a smile.

    As Sukie waited, she glanced around the café, appreciating the minimalist yet cozy interior. The large windows allowed sunlight to pour in, casting a golden glow over the wooden furniture and green plants.

    "Here you go. Enjoy!" the barista said, placing the bun and coffee on the counter.

    "Thank you!" Sukie replied, taking her order to a nearby table. She took a bite of the cinnamon bun and closed her eyes in delight. The taste was as heavenly as she had imagined.

    While savoring her treat, she couldn,t help but overhear a conversation at the next table. A group of locals were chatting animatedly in Swedish, and although she couldn,t understand much, she caught a few familiar words.

    Curious and eager to learn, Sukie leaned in slightly, trying to pick up more of the conversation. Suddenly, one of the men turned towards her, catching her off guard.

    "Are you enjoying the kanelbulle?" he asked in perfect English, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

    Sukie blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed for eavesdropping. "Yes, it,s delicious. I,m still getting used to the language and culture here."

    The man smiled warmly. "It takes time. I,m Lars, by the way."

    "Sukie," she replied, shaking his outstretched hand.

    Lars had a striking appearance—tall, with piercing blue eyes and an athletic build. There was something familiar about him that Sukie couldn,t quite place, but she dismissed the thought as they continued to chat.

    Over the next few weeks, Lars and Sukie began to see more of each other. He introduced her to local traditions, took her to hidden gems in the city, and patiently helped her with the language. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and Sukie found herself feeling happier and more settled than she had in a long time.

    One evening, they decided to visit a famous lake just outside the city. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the calm waters.

    "It,s so beautiful here," Sukie sighed, taking in the serene landscape.

    "Yes, it is. I,m glad you like it," Lars replied, his gaze fixed on her rather than the scenery.

    As they walked along the shore, Lars suddenly stopped and turned to face her. "Sukie, there,s something I need to tell you."

    Her heart skipped a beat, sensing the seriousness in his tone. "What is it, Lars?"

    "I,ve grown to care for you deeply," he began, his eyes searching hers. "But there,s something about me that you need to know."

    Sukie,s mind raced, wondering what he could possibly reveal. "Go on," she urged gently.

    "I,m not just a local here. I have a rather unique heritage," he continued. "My family has a history that intertwines with different cultures, and I believe you might have felt a connection to that."

    Sukie frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

    Lars took a deep breath. "I found out recently that I am a descendant of a noble family from ancient times. When you first told me your name, I did some research and discovered something astonishing."

    Sukie,s eyes widened as she listened, her heart pounding. "What did you find?"

    "Our families were connected in the past. I believe I am related to someone you knew very well in another life," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

    A flood of memories from her time in the ancient world surged through Sukie,s mind. "You mean...?"

    "Yes, Sukie. I believe I am a descendant of Han Fengling," Lars revealed.

    Tears welled up in Sukie,s eyes as she struggled to comprehend the revelation. "But how is that possible?"

    Lars stepped closer, gently taking her hands in his. "I don,t know all the details, but I feel a deep connection to you, as if our souls have known each other for centuries."

    Sukie felt a wave of emotions crash over her. The familiar feeling she had sensed in Lars now made sense. Despite the modern setting, she realized that their bond transcended time and space.

    "I... I don,t know what to say," she stammered, her voice trembling.

    "Just know that my feelings for you are real," Lars said softly, his eyes locked onto hers. "And I want to be with you, if you,ll have me."

    Sukie took a deep breath, her heart swelling with a mixture of joy and uncertainty. "Lars, this is all so overwhelming. But I can,t deny the connection I feel with you."

    He pulled her into a gentle embrace, and she felt a sense of comfort and belonging that she hadn,t experienced in a long time.

    As they stood by the lake, the sun setting behind them, Sukie knew that her journey was far from over. With Lars by her side, she was ready to face whatever challenges the future held, their love bridging the gap between past and present, and promising a new beginning filled with hope and adventure.